Santa Cruz Holistic Wellness Blog
On Sugar in Scotts Valley CA
On Sugar in Scotts Valley CA Take a look at the sweet truth about sugars you need to know from our Scotts Valley CA chiropractic clinic. In light of the nation’s increase in obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and hypoglycemia, in children and adults, it is incumbent upon us to understand more about sugars. It is…
Tips For Reducing Migraines in Scotts Valley CA
Tips For Reducing Migraines in Scotts Valley CA Take a look at Scotts Valley CA chiropractic clinic’s helpful tips to reducing or eliminating a migraine below. Before the pain of the headache begins, when you may first feel an aura with your vision, drink a cup of straight black coffee (caffeinated). This often stops the…
A Natural Drugless Approach in Scotts Valley CA
A Natural Drugless Appraoch in Scotts Valley CA Read below to find out about Scotts Valley CA chiropractic clinic’s natural, drugless approach to eliminating headaches. Most headaches (HAs) are successfully treated with chiropractic spinal adjustments and/or nutritional therapy. The most common types are: cluster, hormonal, migraine, digestive, hormonal, sinus, and tension headaches. This author offers…
Indigestion (Dyspepsia) in Scotts Valley CA
Indigestion (Dyspepsia) in Scotts Valley CA Take a look at what Scotts Valley CA chiropractor has to say about indigestion (Dyspepsia) below. Recommendations In Scotts Valley CA If you are prone to indigestion, consume well-balanced meals with plenty of fiber-rich foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Include in your diet fresh papaya…
Treat Inflammation Nutritionally in Scotts Valley CA
Treat Inflammation Nutritionally in Scotts Valley CA Learn how to nutritionally treat inflammation with a Scotts Valley CA chiropractor. Two double-blind studies have shown how the following nutrients have reduced or arrested inflammation occurring anywhere in the body. This condition could be the result of: ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic GERD, fibromyalgia, asthma,…
How To Lower Cholesterol without Drugs in Scotts Valley CA
How To Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs in Scotts Valley CA The most important considerations to lowering a high cholesterol levels are a healthful diet and lifestyle; followed by proper, holistic treatment from Scotts Valley CA chiropractor if necessary. DIET In Scotts Valley CA Eat Less Saturated Fat and Cholesterol – by reducing the number of…